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Answers for Tutors FAQ's
Can I set my own rates as a tutor?
All of our tutors have set rates based on their tutoring experience with us, starting at £20 per hour. The more experience you gain tutoring the higher the rate you advertise will be. This corresponds to the payment and rates policy we share with you as you apply to become a tutor.
How can I keep track of my students’ progress and provide feedback?
We encourage tutors to maintain regular progress tracking and provide constructive feedback to their students. You can use various means, such as regular assessments, practice assignments, quizzes, or discussions, to monitor their progress. By maintaining a record of your students’ performance, identifying areas of improvement, and providing timely feedback, you can guide their learning process effectively.
What resources or materials can I use to enhance my tutoring sessions?
You can use textbooks, worksheets, educational websites, multimedia tools, interactive activities, and more. We also provide access to our bank of resources and materials that you can incorporate into your sessions. Feel free to explore and recommend additional resources that align with the students’ needs and learning styles.
Are tutoring sessions conducted online or in-person?
We offer flexibility in conducting tutoring sessions, allowing you to choose between online, in-person, or both, depending on your preference and availability.
What subjects and grade levels can I tutor?
As a tutor on our platform, you can offer tutoring in a wide range of subjects and grade levels. We cover core subjects such as math, science, English, history, and also offer specialized subjects like foreign languages, music, art, and test preparation for standardized exams. We aim to match you with your areas of expertise and the subjects you are passionate about teaching.
What qualifications and experience are required to become a tutor on the platform?
To become a tutor on our platform, we require you to be currently enrolled at one of the top London universities, including LSE, King’s College, Queen Mary’s, Imperial College, or UCL.
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