
At Bright Education Group, we provide top-quality tutoring services in a wide range of subjects, including Maths, English, Business, Law, and more, that are designed to help your child succeed academically. Our network of passionate and knowledgeable university students are dedicated to providing personalised support.

We are committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment where your child can feel comfortable to ask questions without fear of judgement. Our tutors are trained to provide positive reinforcement and encouragement to help your child build their confidence and self-esteem.

Whether your child needs help with a specific topic or subject, or requires ongoing academic support, we are here to help. Our flexible scheduling options allow you to choose the tutoring sessions that best fit your child’s schedule and needs.

Booking FAQ's

  • How can I pay?

    There are two ways you can pay for sessions.

    If you are looking for regular sessions, we would simply set up a direct debit, through which lessons would be paid for after they take place and invoices would be mailed automatically -an effortless process through which no deposit or any other admin work is required from you.

    If you are looking for occasional (one-off) lessons, you can simply book them through our platform with your chosen tutorsitter. For that, you would be charged a small deposit fee of £9.99 per hour when booking. After the session takes place, you would then be invoiced for the remaining amount (total amount minus deposit fee).

    In any case we will be in touch after your trial lesson and would be happy to answer any questions and provide guidance on next steps.

  • Simply head to our tutors page and select Tutorsitting™ under service. There, you’ll be able to see which or our Tutorsitters are available for your chosen dates.

  • Tutorsitters ™ are usually available for a maximum of 4 hours after the normal tutoring session